We offer heating solutions for the semiconductor industry

Demand for semiconductors has increased enormously in a short time as many industries face major challenges in securing their need for semiconductors. We support increased manufacturing of semiconductors by providing different types of heaters as well as control and monitoring. At Backer, we are aware of the careful control and monitoring of heat required in the manufacture of semiconductors. We offer both heating components and technical solutions for the semiconductor industry, such as heating jackets for gas pipelines and thick film heaters for heating silicon wafers. Our heating solutions are carefully developed according to the particular industry’s high demands and all our components and products are designed to ensure the productivity and quality of the manufacturing process.

Our products

Products for applications

Cast heaters for heating and keeping warm during semiconductor machining

Adapted process heaters and heating elements for silicon plates, eg pedestal heaters

Vacuum heater for silicon plates

Chip manufacturing

Heaters for gas pipelines, including a large selection of customer-specifically designed heating jackets

Water heater and semiconductor chamber


  • Backer standard products.pdf pdf
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